All PYRENEES · France, Spain, Andorra * Eat to live, live to eat: best food, nutrition and diet with Carolina Kramer

 Now we will look at these and other symptoms, as well as the likely effects of vitamin B1 deficiency in more detail.

 Low levels of thiamine are associated with reduced food intake and increased energy use which leads to weight loss. Thiamine deficiency inhibits the action of a compound that regulates food intake and energy metabolism.

 This deficiency affects a part of the brain, which, in turn, alters hormones associated with hunger and energy balance. Eating foods rich in thiamine can restore our appetite and stabilize weight loss caused by a deficiency of thiamine.

 Therefore, it is important to adjust the levels of thiamine to improve the general health of people with reduced appetites.

 Getting a moderate amount of thiamine from the diet is required to maintain healthy brain function. It activates the brain and improves memory, learning and thinking. It protects the outer surface of the nerve cells and prevents their destruction.

 In addition, the human brain needs thiamine as it processes carbohydrates into glucose. Without thiamine, brain cells do not receive energy and they die. This important vitamin is also needed to produce brain chemicals that send signals to other cells.

 People with thiamine deficiency are at greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Eating a sufficient amount of thiamine can change or prevent a decrease in intellectual abilities and reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

 Recent studies have shown that insufficient thiamine may increase the risk of heart disease. The addition of thiamine in our diet improves the ability of the heart to properly pump blood. It enhances relaxation and contraction of the heart muscles and thus improves the overall functioning of the heart.

 A lack of thiamine reduces the ability of the heart to function effectively. In addition, it increases the risk of heart disease.

 The human brain is sensitive to an imbalance of thiamine. Studies have found that low concentrations of thiamine are associated with depression and anxiety.

 Thiamine is necessary for the production of brain chemicals that fight depression, improve social behavior and reduce multiple depressive symptoms. In addition, thiamine protects brain cells from oxidative stress, which otherwise leads to a decrease in the brain cell population.

 Thiamine deficiency increases the risk of brain damage which can lead to behavioral changes. Such damage can be prevented by getting a sufficient amount of thiamine through dietary changes and vitamin supplements.

 Pain, weakness and stiffness of the muscles, accompanied by inflammation, adversely affect the overall quality of life. This condition may occur due to a deficiency of thiamine.

 Changing the diet may improve energy metabolism and reduce muscle fatigue. The inclusion of thiamine-rich food sources in the daily diet can be beneficial for people with muscle pain and weakness.

 Low levels of thiamine in the body can affect the sleep cycle and lead to insomnia. Thiamine is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, which play a key role in the regulation of sleep and the circadian cycle. This is why thiamine deficiency disrupts sleep and causes insomnia.

 Today in home cooking there is a large number of different spices and seasonings that can be added to dishes. However, a spice like saffron isn’t always found in every kitchen. The reason for this is the high price of saffron, as it is considered to be one of the rarest spices. This is what my blog post is about today.

 Saffron, or crocus, as it is called in ornamental plant cultivation, is a perennial plant of the Iris family, a bulbous species. The plant reaches a height of 25 cm and has narrow linear leaves that appear during the flowering period. The flowers of this plant are large and purple (sometimes yellow or white). On one corm up to three flowers can form. The tubers themselves are rounded and slightly flattened. A crocus plantation blooms for 10-14 days, while a single flower bloom takes 1-2 days. After flowering, triangular shaped fruits are formed from the flower. Saffron seeds are not formed.

 The first crocus records are found in the Noisean cuneiform and date back to 3000 years BC. For the first time, the people of Mesopotamia, an ancient state located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, began to eat saffron. In ancient Roman civilization, aromatic oils and fragrant water were made of it, which was sprayed into their homes and clothes. Cleopatra loved to take saffron baths. Also, the Egyptians learned to use crocus for embalming. During the Crusades, saffron was introduced to Europe. Spain became the first country in which saffron was grown on plantations.

 The production of saffron is very labor-intensive, requiring mostly manual labor. To collect one kilogram of spices, you need to process a plantation with 200,000 plants. The main producer of saffron is Iran. There are also crocus plantations in Greece, Spain, France, England and in the state of Pennsylvania USA. The plant grows well in loamy soils. If you plant an onion in May, it will be possible to harvest it in November. The flower stamens are picked (usually three in each flower(, then the gathered stigmas are dried under the sun.


 Saffron has a rich spicy aroma, so it is often used to flavor pastries, desserts, and drinks. The taste of this spice is bitter, so it should be added very carefully to the dishes for taste. Saffron is used to make pilaf, lamb meat dishes, and added to veal and young lamb. Before using saffron, it is pre-soaked in water or milk. You can also add saffron to melted butter. Saffron consumption is very small. One gram of this spice is enough for not one dish. If for cooking, saffron is used, then there is no need to add other spices and spices. Also in cooking, it is best to use saffron tincture. It is a bit cheaper than the spice itself, but its dosage is not so small.Intuitive nutrition is a system that does not involve dieting or severe dietary restrictions. This principle of nutrition has helped many people to reach their desired shape, get rid of food addictions and “make peace” with food. So, what is this magic method?

 For the first time, the concept of “intuitive nutrition” was introduced in 2005 by American professor Steven Hawks, when, after conducting a study on himself, he managed to lose 23kg. Intuitive nutrition includes several rules, but these rules have nothing to do with the rules of diets or other food systems. This is what my post is about today.

 Hunger is a condition of the body in which the stomach remains almost empty, requiring new portions of food.

 Frequently, people confuse physical hunger with psychological hunger. Indeed, many people are accustomed to eating when they experience some kind of emotional feeling or are with company, that is, during moments when external or internal circumstances force one to eat. But this hunger is always sudden and depends on the circumstances, while physical hunger, which occurs gradually, is accompanied by a rumbling sound and a feeling of emptiness in the stomach.

 To recognize real hunger, it is recommended to use a ten-point saturation scale, where 10 points is recognized as strong overeating, accompanied by feeling heavy or even nauseous and 1 point is extremely hungry. Of course, you should never be at the extremes. You can start eating at 4-5 points and finish at 7-8.

 Often, diets end in failure and if it is possible to reach the bitter end then there is no guarantee that the lost kilograms will not return. The reason lies in the fact that a person is in disagreement with food and his body. Intuitive nutrition allows you to harmonize these relationships.

 You do not need to punish yourself with grueling workouts to not feel guilty about eating one sweet. Listening to what you want at the moment is very important, because, perhaps, the body is experiencing a shortage of some substances and it is what is needed in that moment.

 You do not need to punish yourself with grueling workouts to not feel guilty about eating one sweet. Listening to what you want at the moment is very important, because, perhaps, the body is experiencing a shortage of some substances and it is what is needed in that moment.

 When a person eats slowly, enjoying the taste of food and every bite, the signal of saturation is fed to the brain much faster. With a quick meal, saturation will take much longer, and a person in such a situation will want to eat something else.

 “Sticking” of stress, joy, sadness, of course, has an effect, but not for long. Most often, emotional relief leads to overeating. It is worth trying to find other ways to relieve tension, for example, dancing, sports, a walk in the fresh air or doing your favorite hobby can help.

 Naturally, everyone has different body constitutions. Someone is lucky with a waist, someone with hips, so it makes no sense to torture yourself by over-doing it with sports. Loving and respecting your body is very important.

 Intuitive nutrition is not a reason to forget my body and think “I am who I am.” Fast food or sweets in large quantities obviously will not bring the body anything good. However, this does not mean that they should be excluded, the main thing in this case is moderation. The same with sports, you should not ignore physical exercises, because they heal the body and increase endurance. It is necessary by trial and error to choose the appropriate sport – it will be found. Some people like yoga, while others like more active physical activities such as aerobics.

 Thus, the main purpose of intuitive power is to make peace with food and your own body, learn to listen to your needs and find your perfect figure forever.

 A person needs a whole range of complex vitamins and microelements for the normal functioning of the body, but some of them play a special role in our body’s vital activity.

 Calcium is needed for bones and teeth, without it, the body will not get stronger. In addition, it takes part in the muscles, immune and nervous systems, by contributing to blood clotting. Phosphorus is also necessary for bones and teeth, and for muscles, it participates in the reproduction and division of cells, reduces the likelihood of sand and kidney stones, and is involved in all bodily processes. But the human body is not able to absorb calcium and phosphorus without vitamin D. This is what my post is about today.

 Due to a lack of vitamin D, bones become weak, immunity goes down, and a variety of diseases can develop, including cardiovascular and cancerous ones. Its deficiency leads to health problems ending in death.

 In many countries, the shortage is compensated by special treatment with ultraviolet rays of some products: milk, mushrooms, cottage cheese, kefir. This allows you to exclude some health problems among the population. Countries are particularly at risk where, due to climatic conditions, there is a clear lack of sun.

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